Feature ArticlesVol. 4 Our Panel: Berjaya University College Of Hospitality Preparing for the real world through the BERJAYA Immersion Methodology: learning by doing At the…Pejai MohamadSeptember 26, 2013
Feature ArticlesService & MaintenanceSolution ProviderVol. 4 keeping the shine on STAINLESS STEEL The commercial kitchen is filled with equipment proudly labeled as ‘stainless steel’. It has become…Michelle brohierSeptember 13, 2013
Feature ArticlesSolution ProviderVol. 4 the impact of non-food items on FOOD SAFETY “Food safety is often considered to be solely a function of ingredients, processing and packaging.…Michelle brohierSeptember 13, 2013
Vol. 4 chemistry + technology = Gastronomic Interpretations Testing reaction to water bath No matter how simple or complicated a plate of food…Michelle brohierSeptember 13, 2013
Concept & DesignFeature ArticlesVol. 4 meeting the mark in SAFETY FOR FOOD QUALITY How many times have we experienced a wonderful meal only to be afflicted by food…Michelle brohierSeptember 13, 2013
Feature ArticlesVol. 4 quality control in a BANQUET OPERATION Consistency all the way A banquet kitchen is often a place of numerous workstations and…Michelle brohierSeptember 13, 2013