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FRANKE Product Launch

By December 12, 2013May 12th, 2015No Comments


Optimum Sanitation With Ozone Technology In The New Eco3spray & Eco3 Ice

Franke_0679The recent Food and Hotel Malaysia 2013 was an opportune platform for Franke Foodservice Systems Asia to launch its latest products in maintaining hygiene and food safety; two very important areas for commercial food and beverage establishments. Mr Alexander Wuethrich, Director of Sales & Service (Commercial) introduced the audience to EcO3Spray & EcO3 Ice kitchen sanitising products which were designed to be uncomplicated in its function, handling and maintenance.

The foundation of both items is the incorporation of ozone technology. Because Ozone (O3) in its own state is unstable and highly reactive, this form of oxygen tends to seek a state of stability and while in the process, O3 destroys microorganisms and disinfects surfaces that it settles on. Hence, the application of ozone technology in Franke’s sanitising products makes perfect sense.

Moving away from regular cleaning detergents, the Franke EcO3Spray utilises regular water boosted with ozone technology to wipe down surfaces. The EcO3Spray is fitted with two diamond plated metals in the head of the bottle to create ozone properties when water is applied and uses a small amount of energy to power the spray element.

Due to ozone’s easy solubility in water and high efficiency to eliminate pollutant forming microorganisms, it is widely used in the foodservice industry and is certified “Food Safe” by the FDA and does not cause any negative impact on humans as the amount dispersed each time from the EcO3Spray is minimal. It requires no installation prior to use and its batteries are rechargeable up to approximately 500 times before needing to be replaced.

Franke_EcO3Ice-(2)EcO3 Ice
EcO3 Ice cartridge can be attached to ice machines to provide clean water to sanitise the machine, thus ensuring that ice served to customers is clean and safe. Ozone is created by electrolysis directly in the water as it flows through the cell made with solid synthetic diamonds and treats the water to sanitise surfaces of the machine, the bin and related utensils to reduce the risk of foodborne illness attributed to microbial growth in the ice machine.

Franke_0678EcO3 Ice helps reduce mold, yeast, bacteria and algae from growing
inside the ice machine thus resulting in a simpler cleaning process that directly reduces the cost in maintaining an ice machine. Attaching the EcO3 Ice cartridge to the water line is simple with its twist lock style cartridges while an indicator functions to tell users when to replace it. The EcO3 Ice is currently adaptable to cubertype ice machines that produce up to 2000lbs/day.

For more information, please contact:
Tel : (603) 9172 6208 Website :