Business SenseFOODBIZ landscapeVol. 31 strategies for KOREAN FRIED CHICKEN restaurant business Some food and drinks trend complement each other, while some trends lead to the resurgence…Katty LaiOctober 29, 2020
Business SenseConcept & DesignVol. 31 KOREAN FRIED CHICKEN: the rise of a GLOBAL PHENOMENON An alternative to the world- renowned western fried chicken, Korean fried chicken has made a…Katty LaiOctober 28, 2020
Equipment & ManufacturerManufacturerVol. 31 MEIKO: expanding territories with MEIKO Green When we hear MEIKO, we think of a leader dedicated to perfecting cleaning and…Katty LaiOctober 28, 2020
Equipment & ManufacturerFresh OnlineUncategorizedVol. 31 The New Normal: COVID-19 And The New Hospitality Landscape As a result of Covid-19, the foodservice industry has been operating intensely, churning strategies to adapt…Katty LaiSeptember 9, 2020
Concept & DesignFeature ArticlesFresh OnlineVol. 31 F & B INDUSTRY: WHERE WE STAND NOW AND HOW WE CAN MOVE FORWARD? Over the last few months, we sent out a number of questions to our partners…Katty LaiSeptember 9, 2020
Concept & DesignFeature ArticlesFresh Online A CONVERSATION GOING FORWARD – Post Covid-19: Road to Recovery for Foodservice Webinar by FSP Though there have been many statements made about reopening, in actual fact, for many F&B…Katty LaiAugust 28, 2020
Events & TradeshowsFeature ArticlesNewsVol. 31 NEXT LEVEL EXPERIENCE IN F&B Especially in these challenging times, it is somewhat an expectation that the next news bit…Katty LaiAugust 21, 2020
EventFeature ArticlesNew ProductsNewsVol. 31 reopening of F&B BUSINESSES with NEW PRODUCTS by HALTON ULTRAVIOLET GERMICIDAL IRRADIATION (UVGI) SYSTEMS Making Guests and Employees safer by reducing the risk of…Katty LaiAugust 3, 2020
Feature ArticlesNew ProductsNewsVol. 31 reopening of F&B BUSINESSES with NEW PRODUCTS by RATIONAL The iCombi Pro: a new standard for the professional kitchen Many catering establishments today are…Katty LaiJuly 31, 2020
EventEvents & TradeshowsFeature ArticlesNewsVol. 31 reopening of F&B BUSINESSES with EVENTS to look forward to in the SECOND HALF OF 2020 Like many industries in the country and around the world, the first half of 2020…Katty LaiJuly 31, 2020