6 specialised shows! 97,000 sqm! 3,000 exhibitors!
For 4 days, Food&HotelAsia is bringing you solutions for all your hospitality needs. With its impressive planning, your visit to the show is an absolute must. Whether you are an aspiring, new or existing operator, there will be lots to see and it is important that you spend your time with the right solutions for your kitchen needs.
As Mise En Place believes that PREPARATION is the key to facing the challenges that the industry is known for, here is a quick guide and breakdown of what you can expect from the experts during these 4 days. Brands are there to share their expertise in the kitchen and we advise you to take full advantage when visiting them.
Lots to see, smell and experience, char t your day with our special map with their expertise highlighted and simplified in the following pages.
Also look out for:

Visit booths of their par tners – Singapore Chef Association (Booth: 10Q3-01), Nestle (Booth: 6B2-01) and Anglis (Booth: 9N4-01) and see how products by Electrolux empowers your culinary creations.
12 – 15 April 2016 • Singapore Expo